WHY SHOULD YOU START PRACTISING YOGA? Here is my experience as a physiotherapist.

As a fresher in my Yoga class almost a decade ago, I struggled in different postures and always kept wondering when we would be out of that particular asana.   But I decided to go with the flow and I never realized when I actually started enjoying it. Today, 20 minutes of Chair Sarvangasana gives me immense joy and a great way to kick start the day.  Yoga has become a habit, a way of life. Some days I feel like a graceful swan, on other days I feel like a baby giraffe learning to use its legs.

“80 % of success is showing up “- Woody Allen 

Being educated as a physiotherapist and having pursued my masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy,  understanding the mechanics our human body has always been my passion. Practicing Yog enhanced this understanding and I realized I can deliver better to my patients’ needs and achieve their goals faster. We also achieved some levels which we never thought were possible. 

Most of the people I have met, do some form of exercise like walking, running, going to the gym, CrossFit-training, trekking, cycling  or play some sport like badminton, tennis etc. I highly recommend adding Yoga to your weekly routine to unlock the next levels of fitness – both physical and mental. 

  • We all know practicing yoga will definitely improve your flexibility and stability.
  • It will nourish your joints and is the BEST anti-ageing tool for your musculoskeletal system. 
  • But apart from the physical aspects, it surely calms your nervous system by acting on your parasympathetic system, encouraging you to slow down. This brings mind-fullness and heightens self- awareness. 
  • Automatically it improves your work efficiency, whether at home or at the office.
  • Of course you sleep better, feel happier and start making the right choices in your lifestyle.
  • In my personal experience, one also attracts like – minded positive people and create a HAPPY ENERGETIC ENVIRONMENT!!

I can go on and on about the benefits of Yoga, and how it helped me, but I strongly feel everyone should get to experience it. Having the knowledge and experience of being an orthopedic physiotherapist has given me a different dimension in my Yoga practice. 

Both Yoga and physiotherapy share underlying concepts, such as a holistic approach toward health and well being of an individual. 

-Dr. Neha Gogate (PT)

Senior Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

Rehab Station, Pune