Training in hot weather!

Let’s talk about the factors to be considered while training in hot weather!  Before putting some guidelines out there, we will try to under… ]]>

Functional Dizziness or Vertigo?

What exactly is functional dizziness? Recurrent attacks of vertigo or prolonged vertigo, other balance system disorders give rise to fun… ]]>

व्हर्टिगो: काही समज व गैरसमज

व्हर्टिगो हा एक सामान्य त्रास झाला आहे पण व्हर्टिगो म्हणजे नक्की काय हे सर्वांना माहित नाही . उंच ठिकाणावरून खाली पाहिल्यावर जी चक्कर येते … ]]>


YOUR FRACTURE MAY HAVE HEALED, BUT HAVE YOU?? Fractures are very common and we all know someone who has had a fracture some time in their … ]]>


21 st June is celebrated as International Yoga day and was started in 2015 to spread awareness about the numerous benefits of Yogic pract… ]]>

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